Lauren's parents got all three little kids a Build A Bear gift card for Christmas. I've always heard how much fun it is to build a friend there. But I truly had no idea just how much fun it would be. They loved it. Lauren is a lot more outgoing and had already been there before with her parents. Liam and Beau took clues from Lauren. Beau picked a dog, Woof Dog. Liam changed his mind several times on which friend to build. He decided on the tiger, Stripes. Lauren knew right away what she wanted, Jessica – a black bear. Yep we went to Build A Bear and Lauren is the only one that actually got a bear!!!
We allowed each one to pick a sound for their new friends. Liam picked a growl, Beau picked a bark but Lauren didn’t want a sound. She said she likes Jessica just like she is. Once it was our turn the fun began. They each got a heart and began to follow instructions on filling the heart with what their new friend needs. Beau was first to fill Woof Dog with stuffing. He didn’t understand why he had to put the heart in Woof Dog. He wanted the heart back. LOL! Once Woof Dog was d
one it was Stripes turn. Liam loved doing the petal. Lauren was thrilled when it was her turn. She already had a name picked out and told the lady her plans she had already thought of to do with Jessica. Then we were off to the washing station. Beau couldn’t get over the fact that only air was coming out. Lauren taught both boys how to use the scrub brushes to “clean up” their friends. Then we told the kids they could pick one thing for their new friend to wear. Liam had the hardest time picking. Beau wanted whatever Liam wanted until Matt pointed out a NASCAR t-shirt. Woof Dog has a NASCAR shirt! Liam finally picked a vest. Matt tried to talk me into getting Liam’s tiger some glasses too. I told Liam when we come back he could get glasses. Lauren picked a birthday cake for Jessica. I showed her tons of shirts but she wanted the birthday cake. Even thru Stripes and Woof Dog are boys they all picked out bows for their friends. Then off to the computers to create their birth certificates. When we left Lauren said that was the funnest! The little guys were so excited to have their own Build A Bear! They each proudly carried their boxes to the van. 

Liam with Stripes and Beau with Woof Dog