Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Liam's Latest Phrase
Monday, February 23, 2009
Spring is Coming
He Spells
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009

I love you! I'm looking forward to seeing what God has planned for you! Keep up with your homework. Enjoy school as much as you can. Keep your room clean! Remember to laugh often! Remember we love you! We want the best for you...YOUR BEST! Study daily for all your classes. Run, Run, and then run some more. Stay up with your running it will help you. Remember you can tell me anything and I will always love you! I'm always going to be honest with you and give you the best advice I have. Learn from your mistakes...make them learning opportunities instead of just another mistake. Speak with everyone! Listen to all that someone has to stay even if you disagree. They are more likely to hear you out if you hear them out. I love you! I'm proud of you!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Valentine's Gift!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sergeant No More
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lauren is the only one that is really good at swinging. She is getting so good at pumping her own legs. She is growing up so fast!
Beau won't go down the slides. I'm not sure why he has gone down all the smaller slides in the past. But today he said "Not Me first...nope not Me. Lauren you want to go first then I'll go" Lauren was happy to go first. She goes done the largest slide laughing the whole way down so a small slide is simple for her. She went down and then Beau said "NOPE" and went right back down the stairs. I offered to hold his hand so he could go down but he said No. I'm not sure why he is afraid now but I'm sure this too will pass.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Valentine's Pictures

More pictures to come. I'm going to try to work more with the hearts backdrop.
Beau didn't want his picture taken. I hope to get one of the three of them together. Beau is not happy to have a new puppy. I think he feels like the puppy is getting too much attention.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Puppy Love

I'm trying to get a really good picture of his freckles. They are so cute!

Can you see his freckles?

Saturday, February 7, 2009
More Corp

I will put more pictures of him on here tomorrow. I wanted to add to the list of names on the poll but Matt won't let me. I thought about adding My Corp and Jody. Matt won't let me add those but he got a good laugh.
Beau is still warming up to the new puppy. I'm not sure why Beaus is having a hard time, maybe it's because the puppy hops around. Corp wants to play with Brewster and Max but they still aren't sure about him either. Hopefully they will warm up and play together.
New Family Member

Don't forget to vote!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Triple Coupons
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Growth Spurt
Austin has already outgrown the new slacks I got him for Christmas to wear to Church. He pointed out this Sunday how they are high waters. He has only worn one pair. The other pair never even got worn! I’m looking forward to warm weather so he can wear shorts. He doesn’t outgrow those as fast. I know all the pants he has now will not fit next fall/winter. I wish I knew what size he will be next fall but I have no idea so I’m not going to try to pick up larger pants for next year, just pants that will fit now with a little growth room. I think by the end of 2009 Austin just might hit the 6ft mark.
Isn't she pretty!

Nana from Peter Pan has Competition!!

Does he think he is one of the kids??
Can a dog be more sweet and loving??