Liam joined Cub Scouts!
He has his first meeting tomorrow.
We got him a t-shirt at the parent meeting but I had to order his class A shirt online. As soon as it comes I will take some pictures.
He is so excited about being a Cub Scout!
He has already started selling POPCORN!! His goal is $498! Yikes! Thankfully there is a choice that is only $9! I walked him up and down our street last night. We missed a couple people, weren't home at the time, but he has already gotten $88! I'm going to take him around tonight and this weekend. I hope to hit that amount this Saturday.
Next year we will have 2 boys in scouts! I wonder how many neighborhoods will it take to meet both boys goals!
This is a badge I would like Liam to get! I hope he gets a couple orders for service men and women.